We will succeed in replacing capital punishment with an alternative rooted in racial equity and restorative justice, bringing true healing and accountability. But we have much work to do, and the road ahead will not be easy. Your support helps shine the light along our way.
A significant part of our work continues to be amplifying the voices of those most impacted by the death penalty and strengthening our grassroots organizing across the state. Your gift helps us do both those things, and so much more.
Thank you for being part of the movement to end the death penalty, and for making a contribution today.
Or mail your tax-deductible donation to:
N.C. Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
3326 Durham-Chapel Hill Boulevard
Building D, Suite 201
Durham, NC 27707
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at noel@nccadp.org or 919-956-9545.