On Thursday, October 10th, World Day Against the Death Penalty, we completed our 136-mile, 15-day Walk for Commutation! That afternoon the NCCADP team was joined by our Coalition partner, Catholics […]
Time’s Running Out: Commute Death Row!
Time’s Running Out: Commute Death Row!
On August 18, we gathered in downtown Raleigh to mark 18 years since the last execution in our state and to tell the one person who can make sure executions do not resume, Governor Roy Cooper, “Time’s Running Out: Commute Death Row!” Governor Cooper’s term ends in only a few months and he must act to commute death row soon, before it is too late. We began at Church on Morgan in downtown Raleigh before taking our call for commutations directly to the Governor’s Mansion. It was very inspiring to see everyone in such a beautiful space on a sunny Sunday afternoon!
Time’s Running Out! Join us Aug. 18 to demand an end to death row
Time’s Running Out! Join us Aug. 18 to demand an end to death row
With just a few months left in Gov. Cooper’s term, we are ramping up our call for him to commute all of North Carolina’s death sentences to prison terms. As […]
NCCADP’s Walk for Commutation: 136 miles for 136 lives!
NCCADP’s Walk for Commutation: 136 miles for 136 lives!
Forty-eight years ago in Atlanta, I walked in my first anti-death penalty march. As an 11-year-old girl I walked with my father, a United Methodist minister, and my mother, a […]
Raising Money in Community
Raising Money in Community
When one of our most loyal volunteers, Helen Spielman, suggested last fall that NCCADP host a spring fundraiser, I was admittedly skeptical. It sounded like a lot of work, and I wasn’t sure if it would literally “pay off.” Also, we’re a grassroots organization intensely focused on our Commutations Campaign. I questioned whether we had the time and energy to invest in an event that didn’t provide an opportunity for people to take action. Well, fast forward 6 months, and I’m delighted to admit my hesitancy was not only unnecessary but flat out misplaced. With Helen’s extraordinary leadership and MANY volunteers, NCCADP’s inaugural fundraiser on April 21 was a terrific success.
Call to Action! Write Governor Cooper TODAY!
Call to Action! Write Governor Cooper TODAY!
As our Commutations Campaign continues to gain momentum in the New Year, we want to ensure that Governor Cooper hears our message loud and clear from all corners of North Carolina: commute all NC death sentences to prison terms! To make sure he hears from as many North Carolinians as possible, we have launched a state-wide Postcard Campaign!
Now is the Time!
Now is the Time!
On December 2, we once again had hundreds of people in the streets of Raleigh rallying for justice and compassion and telling Gov. Cooper: No more death row in North Carolina! But this time around, our message was more urgent than ever.
You see, Gov. Cooper is beginning the last year of his term. Now is the time for him to take bold action to ensure that racist death sentences are never carried out in our state!
Our call for NC death row commutations is heard around the world
Our call for NC death row commutations is heard around the world
We recently got exciting confirmation that our call for Gov. Cooper to commute all of NC’s death sentences is being heard not just in the streets of Raleigh but across […]
A faithful call to end the death penalty
A faithful call to end the death penalty
After we released our letter from faith leaders to Gov. Cooper in April, asking him to commute the sentences of all 137 people on North Carolina’s death row, we heard from many lay people who wanted to add their names. In June, we launched a new letter inviting all people of faith in North Carolina to sign on. The letter was released during NCCADP’s Abolition Sabbath Weekend, five days of prayerful reflection and education about the death penalty.